Sunday, November 6, 2011

Blackberry Jelly/Jam

Yesterday, my sister-in-law and I put up 14 jars of Blackberry jelly/jam.  I call it jelly/jam because we added in some of the pulp with the seeds after we had juiced them, in order to bring the amount of fruit needed up to the correct measurement.  Only after doing this, we read we could have added water to the juice to get the same results.  But who likes watered down jelly anyway, right?  So we have some very tasty jelly/jam to give away as presents during the holidays and scarf down on toast ourselves.

We used berries that we had each picked while they were in season this summer but with both of our busy schedules we were unable to get together until yesterday to combine our harvests and put up the preserves.  The frozen berries worked great, plus the freezing process helped break down the juices and they were easier to mash.  We used the recipe for jelly off of the Sure-Jell packet.


  1. These are gorgeous. And I like the fact that they're a little jammy. I prefer a bit of grit to my fruit spreads. Nice work preparing for Christmas early!
